METRO starting to question the Uptown bus project

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uptownbusMETRO is spending millions on that controversial Uptown bus project, but now some board members are starting to question key details of the $300 million deal.

A powerful state lawmaker asked the attorney general to decide if digging up Post Oak for bus lanes is a violation of the 2003 election where voters chose rail.

“I don’t know how much money we are spending on a regular basis on this project, but we might wait on that ruling before we spend very much money,” says Metro Board Member Diann Lewter.

Uptown officials just keep spending: $150,000 in three months just on the PR campaign. More on lawyers and consultants.

That begs the question. If the project is ruled illegal, who is going to pay the taxpayers back? Will Mayor Parker?

METRO officials are now admitting they don’t even know if buses will be able to maneuver down the two lanes as designed, and Uptown ridership projections are being reviewed after Dolcefino Consulting showed them to be inflated.

“We already know some of the people who want to tear up Post Oak stand to make money on this deal, and with these new questions it is time for the Mayor to tell her Uptown friends to pull the plug,” says Jim Scarborough of the Uptown Property Owners Association.

METRO is set to release new ridership projection in mid-August.

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