Pasadena Police Officer’s Union Endorses Kim Ogg for DA

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The Pasadena Police Officer’s Union has formally endorsed Kim Ogg for Harris County District Attorney. This endorsement by 200 first responders reflects that law enforcement officers know Kim Ogg has a tough, fair, common sense plan to make Harris County safer as the next District Attorney.

“Kim Ogg has always been a friend and proponent of law enforcement, a fighter against criminal gangs, and a champion of victims’ rights throughout her professional career,” says James Anderson, President of the Pasadena Police Officers Association.

“Police officers know that current policies and poor decisions currently being made by the Harris County District Attorney make it harder for them to keep our communities safe,” says Ogg. “By and large, cops choose their profession because they want to protect and serve others. They don’t want DNA evidence sitting on shelves untested because it means burglars and rapists remain on the street instead of in jail. They want a District Attorney who shares their values and will prioritize the investigations they know are most important to their constituents,” said Ogg.

Eric Fickerssen, the chair of the Pasadena Police Union’s Political Action Committee writes, “Her (Ogg’s) experience will be invaluable in bringing a new professionalism and transparency to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.”

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