Pump up the volume

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One “NO” just wasn’t enough for Green Group, and now, folks in Hempstead are gearing up for round 2.

It looks like we can’t get the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to do the right thing.

The first of the public meetings on the “new” landfill permit begin on Tuesday, October 25th at 7:00 pm. The public is invited to make comments and ask questions during Informal Discussion and Formal Comment Periods. The TCEQ says a written response will be sent to each person who submits a formal comment.

What is it going to take for these guys to finally say, “Enough already, we surrender!”?

This summer, residents learned that despite their efforts and a permit denial from the TCEQ, the Georgia based garbage company had exercised their option to purchase property near Highway 6. The company has since filed a new application with the TCEQ for the same land, and the same purpose: to build a gigantic tower of trash right next to the City of Hempstead.

The new application calls for an even taller landfill – nearly 100 feet taller – for a total elevation of over 500 feet above ground. That’s almost 2 football fields tall, and the capacity has increased too. Green Group wants to add more than 19 million more cubic yards to the capacity, and put the bottom of the landfill nearly 23 feet deeper than originally planned. The new landfill would be large enough to hold 4 and a half Empire State buildings. Green Group also expects the landfill to be in operation for 67 years!

And isn’t it funny that those same experts who were found to have spoiled the evidence of the first permit application, are the same experts who have filed the new permit application. Hopefully this time, they’ve held on to that crucial soil sample evidence.

Since the TCEQ and Green Group don’t appear to have heard us yet, let’s pump up the volume.

Follow the fight against Green Group on ExposeGreenGroup.com.

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