Spring Branch ISD hides details of sextortion scandal and porno pics

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The Spring Branch Independent School District is keeping secrets from parents, including key details of how PTA e-mail addresses were used in a Memorial sextortion plot.

In the last two months, SBISD lawyers have fought release of documents detailing separate probes into the violations of female students.

On March 23, 2015 Spring Branch ISD sought to withhold documents detailing a startling photo shopping investigation. The school district will only acknowledge that the suspects are 13-16 year old students. Dolcefino Consulting has learned students used PTA e-mail addresses to try and blackmail female students. Inappropriate pictures were apparently photo shopped on female students, and then they were extorted to send real pictures or face the possibility their parents would be e-mailed the doctored photos.

On April 29, 2015 the district sought to withhold records detailing their investigation of a drop box account created by at least one student. The drop box account reportedly contained photos of female students collected and traded by male students.

After Dolcefino Consulting threatened to expose the incident, the principal of Memorial High School issued this alert to parents.

“Over the course of the past few days, we have received information of some inappropriate ‘selfies’ that have been taken outside of school and distributed among students both in and out of school. We have investigated and spoke with multiple students that have verified and confirmed the information,” said Principal Lisa Weir.

The incidents were uncovered during an investigation into the sextortion of a 14 year old girl at Memorial High School. Her parents have scheduled a news conference Wednesday morning at Dolcefino Consulting to demand Houston area school districts adopt a zero tolerance policy for this assault on children.

Dolcefino challenges SBISD coverup, media responds

For details contact Wayne Dolcefino, President Dolcefino Consulting.
office 713-360-6911 wayne@dolcefinoconsulting.com

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