Stunning attempt to keep public meeting secret

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The Chambers Liberty Counties Navigation District met May 19th, 2015 in open session, a public meeting as required by the State of Texas Open Meetings Act.

Hope you were there, because now the folks who spend your tax dollars refuse to let anyone hear what was said. No, I am not kidding.

The Navigation District has asked Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to allow them to keep an audio tape of the public meeting secret because they are being sued for past violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

“Even in Anahuac this has to be a first,” says Wayne Dolcefino, President of Dolcefino Consulting. “If I had been at the meeting with a camera they couldn’t stop me from videotaping the whole darn thing, but now they want to make something members of the public already heard a secret. Amazing. Attorney General Paxton should send these fools a bill for wasting the people’s time.”

Dolcefino Consulting filed suit against the Navigation District months ago, alleging they violated state law by failing to properly warn the public of plans to issue a sweetheart lease to local politicos to control half the oyster production in Galveston Bay, even public reefs. On May 19th the Navigation District took more action on the oyster front, but even though they did it in public, they now want to keep it a secret.

What is more troubling is that the law firm leading this crusade for unprecedented secrecy is Lloyd Gosselink, a law firm with a bevy of government clients and active in political support in Austin.

“If you pay taxes to a MUD Board or Water District who uses this law firm, you should be worried, very worried.”

Dolcefino Consulting is an investigative communications firm in Houston, Texas run by long time investigative journalist Wayne Dolcefino.

office 713-360-6911

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