“The Right to Vote is Sacred: Let the People Vote!”

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I am not a career politician.

When I ran for my first political office in 2013, I let the Mayor and her friends distort my life.

Like tens of thousands of Houstonians I paid my property taxes just a few months late, and as a businessman and a lawyer I fought with the IRS. Before they were done mischaracterizing my life I was some kind of deadbeat.

This year my family has now been viciously attacked on social media as haters because we signed a petition to have a vote on the definition of gender.

This time I am fighting back. The voting rights of 22000+ who signed the petition and every other Houstonian are at risk as this will set a dangerous precedent for future elections. People lived and died to secure the right to vote for all Americans. As a result, all Americans must protect the right to vote.

Let me make one thing clear. My faith in God is not for sale nor negotiable.

I fought when the long hand of this divisive Mayor reached into the pulpits of our city to subpoena the sacred sermons of ministers.

Maybe that is not smart politics. But, then, I am not a politician. I am a man of faith. I am an independent businessman for change. Unlike some of our career politicians, I am not going to go around trying to buy special interest votes.

Part of our decision was based on law. The current lack of a clear legal definition is dangerous because it might actually protect a heterosexual man who dresses like a woman simply for the chance to sneak into a woman’s restroom and invade their privacy or attack our wives and daughters.

That’s not a gay issue. That’s an issue of public safety.

This issue is very personal to my family. That is why Saundra so much wanted to talk to you and share with you her experience.

The question should not be why Ben and Saundra Hall signed a petition seeking an election. That’s the American way!

The question should be why so many of our politicians are silent. They lack courage!

I will be Mayor for all Houstonians and I will protect all our citizens from illegal discrimination.

Houstonians want someone to tell them the truth about the city’s frightening finances; our broken streets; our crime; a drainage system that floods neighborhoods and kills people.

They also want democracy. The voices of the people must be heard! Let the people vote!

I believe in the rule of law. People fought and died for our right to have a democracy.

That is why I believe Houstonians have a right to petition their government–whether you, my son or my wife agree with the reason for their doing so.

I am not afraid of democracy, but I wonder why so many of our career politicians in Houston are.

My family proudly signed a petition calling for a vote to define gender.

– Ben Hall

530 Lovett Blvd.
Houston, Texas
(713) 522-HALL

EMAIL info@hallforhouston.com
WEB SITE www.benhallforhouston.com

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