Time for Turner to explain HISD ties

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Ben Hall has said it bluntly.

Sylvester Turner betrayed the African-American community when he flip flopped on the 2012 Bond Election. He was against it before he was for it, and he did not get guarantees to protect historically important schools.

It is time for Sylvester Turner to disclose all his ties to HISD.

Sylvester Turner’s law firm is a tax collector for HISD. Since April 2011, the Barnes and Turner firm has been paid $370,000 in taxpayer money as part of a contract with Linebarger, Goggan, Blair and Sampson, a firm often accused of hiring politicians to seek government contracts.

When asked, HISD says it has no records of a single lawsuit filed by the Barnes and Turner law firm, but that is why it is time for Sylvester Turner to answer the questions.

What was he promised in 2012 to gain his support? Are there any other payments, direct or otherwise, that the Turner companies have received through HISD? It is time to disclose?

Ben Hall is not a career politician. He is an independent businessman who wants to level the playing field. Let us end the political games that put special interests over the interests of all Houstonians.

That is the way to move Houston forward.

Dolcefino Consulting seeking documents letter

HISD provided documents

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