Town hall meeting to fight Uptown bus boondoggle

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The Hilton at 2001 Post Oak Blvd., Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 at 6:00 PM

Hundreds of angry business owners and Uptown area residents are expected when the Post Oak Property Owners Association holds a town hall meeting May 19th at the Uptown Hilton.

The town hall is being held amidst growing opposition to a 300 million dollar bus project by Uptown TIRZ and Metro that will tear the signature street apart.

An ongoing investigation has already debunked the need for this wasteful project. The only commuter bus from Katy to Uptown has been cancelled because of low ridership, and the bus traveling down Post Oak is nearly three quarters empty.

There are serious ethical questions being raised about the project. Several members of the appointed UPTOWN Board stand to make millions on the deal through right of way and utility improvement.

Retailers on the street believe this is a real estate deal disguised as a transit deal, and say manipulating lights for all these buses will dramatically back up traffics in the neighborhoods around Uptown.

The Hilton is at 2001 Post Oak Blvd., and the town hall meeting begins Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 at 6:00 PM. The media is welcome.

office 713-360-6911

RELATEDExposing the Uptown Bus Boondoggle

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