Turner failing first test of transparency

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Mayor Sylvester Turner isn’t to blame for the funny business that went on in the bidding for lucrative airport contracts while Annise Parker was still Mayor.

He is to blame for the cover-up that continues. E-mails that could finally expose what happened are being kept secret by the Turner administration. The big question is simple. Whose political hide is Mr. Turner trying to protect?

The City of Houston Legal Department is now refusing to release e-mails sent between the Mayor’s Office and Council members while the airport deals were being cut, including the lucrative concessions contract.

At least some of the e-mails were sent by William Paul Thomas, Parker’s council liaison. None of the e- mails being withheld are confidential by law. Every one of these e-mails could be released by the City in the interest of taxpayers. And Dolcefino Consulting believes some of the e-mails will expose the political games played during the contracting period.

Sylvester Turner has a chance to be the Mayor who ends Houston’s reputation as a pay to play City. Dolcefino Consulting stands ready to help him, but the first test he is clearly failing.

Let the Airport Director and his Atlanta friends face a full investigation into what happened and why. The investigation may be embarrassing to top City of Houston officials, but that’s life.

Two City Controller’s refused to sign off on the last round of airport contracts the deal was so suspicious.

Dolcefino Consulting recently asked for all e-mails sent by the Mayor since his inauguration relating to the business of taxpayers. The City is now trying to keep all those e-mails secret.

That’s not transparency. E-mails sent by people paid by taxpayers, about their business should be public unless there is a real good reason to keep it secret.

Stop playing games. Most companies in Houston just want a level playing field on government contracts, and just want government business to go to them first.

Seems simple. Here is your chance to prove it Mayor!

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