What is city hall hiding?

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Mayor Sylvester Turner doesn’t want you to see any e-mails he has sent since inauguration day.


Mayor Turner cancelled the bid for a lucrative airport insurance contract, but now wants to keep e-mails detailing possible bidding issues secret.


Mayor Turner was not even in office when the City of Houston awarded huge airport concession contracts amidst allegations of political influence, yet Turner is now fighting release of any e-mails about the contract, or the evaluation process used.


Mayor Annise Parker used her Council Liaison William Paul Thomas to communicate with elected officials about key votes, including the controversial airport contracts. Now the City of Houston does not want you to see what she said, or he did.


The city claims some of the e-mails they want to keep secret are about Rebuild Houston, the controversial Post Oak Blvd Bus Project, the union contracts, the airport concessions and insurance contracts and the Chasewood Community water supply.


Mayor Turner has the chance to be a transparent Mayor. This is not the way.

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