What is Uptown up to this time?

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uptownbusYou have to love what people say on e-mails.

E-mails obtained by Dolcefino Consulting show Uptown is digging up information on a leading critic of that expensive plan to tear up Post Oak for two exclusive bus lanes.

Last month, the Cosmopolitan Condo association filed a civil lawsuit to stop the project, but they didn’t sue Uptown.

Instead, the lawsuit was filed against Metro, claiming their involvement in the Post Oak Bus plan violates the 2003 election mandating rail be built on Post Oak.

Looks like that lawsuit didn’t sit well with some of the self-appointed folks who run Uptown.

E-mails show Uptown Board Member Jonathan Zadock and his lawyer have been digging up records on the Cosmopolitan, including deed records and corporate records on Jim Scarborough and his partners. Scarborough is Vice President of the Uptown Property Owners Association, one of the groups leading the fight against the wasteful project.

“This is another low for Uptown and proof it is time for a serious shakeup,” says Scarborough. “Every business owner in Uptown ought to demand this nonsense stop. Is this what they are doing in their $300,000 a year office on Post Oak, using taxpayer money to plot revenge just because we are trying to stop a giant waste of money?”

Zadok has taken an increasingly active role in selling the bus project in recent weeks.

“E-mails show Mr. Zadok is becoming the chief cheerleader for this bus project. I guess he’s heard from his customers who can’t wait to stand in the summer heat waiting for a bus after an expensive shopping trip,” says Dolcefino Consulting President Wayne Dolcefino.

Zadok and other board members have yet to fully disclose how much money they will make on the Post Oak Bus deal. In 2012 a corporation Zadok manages bought property on Post Oak. Months later he got on the Uptown Board of Directors and then started pushing the bus project. Records obtained by Dolcefino Consulting show part of the Zadok property will have to bought for the widening of the right of way.

“At least three UPTOWN officials have already disclosed they have a conflict of interest on the bus project and it is time for everyone to come clean,” says Wayne Dolcefino of Dolcefino Consulting. “What are they afraid of, sunshine? The Mayor thinks it is just fine for her friends to use taxpayer money to feather their nests. Houston is acting more like Chicago every day.”

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