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Houston Mayor Annise Parker appears to be the second highest paid Mayor in the country.

In 2014, her salary was $235,000 dollars. Of course, she runs an entire city.

John Breeding runs ONE single neighborhood in the heart of Houston. Just 500 acres. It is called Uptown.

Guess who makes more?

John Breeding does!

In Fiscal year 2014 Breeding was paid $326,000. Ninety thousand dollars more than the Mayor. Of course, he got a bonus.

Add another $69,433 dollars in retirement, medical and dental benefits. Nearly $400,000.

In three years, Breeding’s pay went up nearly 30%.

Of course, John Breeding has two titles, according to documents released by Uptown. He is President of the Uptown Management District and Administrator of the Uptown Development Authority. That’s where all those decisions for the controversial Post Oak Bus Project are officially made.

All three Uptown bureaucracies meet in the same conference room in their high rise office on Post Oak.

You know how much the rent is?

$300,000 a year.

See more about his salary

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