Where are the records judge?

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For seven months, Dolcefino Consulting has been asking a simple question…Where are the records?

In November of 2015, Dolcefino Consulting filed a formal request under state law for the e-mails and cell phone records of some past and present county officials.

There was a fight.

Both Caldwell County and the Lockhart Mayor tried to keep the cell phone records secret. They lost.

Then another development.

Turns out, the former Caldwell County Judge Tom Bonn got rid of every single e-mail he ever wrote or sent about the taxpayer’s business. All of them. No matter how important.

Caldwell County couldn’t produce Bonn’s cell phone records either.

In January, Caldwell County District Attorney Fred Weber told us he had asked for the former Judge to bring in his phone records, but he hadn’t responded.

Weeks later, Weber told us he was now looking into the phone records issues, even though he normally didn’t confirm those kinds of things.

Now Weber refuses to meet with us.

Instead, he’s got taxpayers paying to have an outside law firm fight our requests for information. We want to know about the inventory of Judge Bonn’s computer, the computer system for Caldwell County, and e-mails between the former County Judge and the DA.

This is the same law firm that wasted tens of thousands of dollars in Waller County fighting requests for public information.

What’s the big secret?

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