A Facebook fake

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Virtually all government agencies now have a Facebook page, used to keep taxpayers informed.

The FBI even has one. So does the IRS.

And here in Harris County, ESD #11 has a Facebook Page. It has the same graphic as the ESD #11 website, links to the emergency service district webpage, and of course it is labeled as a government organization. After all, ESD #11 is responsible for 911 ambulance service for 600,000 Harris County Residents.

Just one problem.

Take a look at Harris County ESD #11 on Facebook and take a look at the patriotic looking message on the left. It is calling for the reelection of incumbent Karen Plummer for the ESD Board.  In fact, she is the only one mentioned, even though there are 7 people vying for just three spots on the controversial ESD #11.

“There is not even a required disclosure on what appears to be a political advertisement hidden under the guise of an official government Facebook Page,” says Wayne Dolcefino President of Dolcefino Consulting. “Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise that Ms. Plummer is playing games with voters because some ESD #11 commissioners seem to have issues with Texas Election Law and the ethics of running for public office.”

Commissioner Fred Grundemeyer never filed a single required campaign document when he ran for the ESD.

Now the FBI and IRS are investigating the way some ESD Commissioners were elected, and whether they improperly received financial benefits from a group linked the ambulance contractor the ESD is elected to watchdog.

ESD #11 John Peeler says the Facebook Page used to promote Karen Plummer is not the “official “page of the ESD #11, but they are investigating who controls it.  As a licensed private investigator, I have a good place to start. Ask Karen Plummer!

Did Ms. Plummer violate the law? That’s the job of the Harris County District Attorney’s job, but taxpayers curious about what the ESD does shouldn’t be confused by this “unofficial” Facebook page.

Wonder what would happen if someone set up a fake FBI Facebook page, or one for the IRS?I have a clue it wouldn’t be up long.

You might think Ms. Plummer would be careful about her electioneering this time. She just had to turn over her campaign records to the FBI.

An investigation by Dolcefino Consulting found records detailing evidence Plummer frequently accepted entertainment from Cypress Creek EMS Head Brad England. CCEMS is the ambulance service ESD #11 is supposed to police to protect millions in taxpayer money.

That should tell voters all they need to know.

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