Picking on the little guy

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Justice for the poor folks in Uniontown, Alabama.

The garbage giant Green Group has dismissed its libel lawsuit against the Black Belt Citizens, the group that has been outspoken on Facebook about the garbage company and what coal ash has done to their town.

The Citizens claim the Arrowhead landfill in Uniontown is causing major health problems to residents. They fought against even allowing the landfill to be built, and in 2008 when it began accepting coal ash, they took their fight to court, and took those concerns to the media.

In July of last year, they got punished by Green Group with a lawsuit accusing the Citizens of libel and slander and demanded $30 million dollars in damages. That’s when the ACLU stepped in to represent the Citizens in their fight against Green Group’s lawsuit.

Guess Green Group doesn’t like bad pub.

Texans should watch what happened in Uniontown. Green Group is now suing the State of Texas, still trying to put a tower of trash near Hempstead.

The company has been criticized for having secret meetings with politician, and getting rid of records on the soil they tested.

That’s why attention is on Lockhart, where the politicians are thinking about doing a deal with Green Group, after spending tens of thousands of dollars fighting them, and the release of public records.

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