What Austin betrayal will mean to your safety

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s assault on the public’s right to know may affect the safety of millions of Texans…here’s how.

The beleaguered attorney general says volunteer fire and 911 ambulance services are no longer covered by the Texas Public Information Act. That changes decades of open records law.

When the attorney general convinced Austin Judge Karin Krump to go along last week, Texans lost more than the right to see how millions of their tax dollars were spent.

Now the public will no longer to be able to access dispatch records to see if response times are accurately reported. They will no longer be able to see if delays cost lives.

And what will happen when fire and ambulance services are sued for an injury or death? If they are not government entities any more. How can they claim governmental immunity?

In the recent CCEMS case, Assistant Texas Attorney General Rosalind Hunt told the court in Austin that the ambulance company can find another way to raise money if they lose government funding.

Maybe Hunt should read the CCEMS has no authority to answer 911 calls without the permission of the elected members of the emergency service district.

Tonight, millions of Texans are left in the dark by Judge Karin Krump’s decision.

The public’s right to know about how their tax money is spent to protect them should never be jeopardized.

If you live between Tomball and Humble, you should send a clear message to your elected representatives on the ESD board.

Protect our money. Protect our right to know.

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